Evansville Weather: A Comprehensive Guide to the Citys Climate - Natalie Buntine

Evansville Weather: A Comprehensive Guide to the Citys Climate

Historical Weather Data and Trends: Evansville Weather

Evansville weather

Evansville weather – Historical weather data for Evansville, Indiana, provides valuable insights into the city’s climatic patterns and long-term trends. By analyzing historical temperature, precipitation, and wind speed data, we can identify significant patterns that have shaped the city’s infrastructure, economy, and environment.

The following table presents a summary of historical weather data for Evansville:

Year Average Temperature (°F) Average Precipitation (inches) Average Wind Speed (mph)
1901 53.6 42.1 10.2
1950 55.2 40.3 10.5
2000 57.4 39.2 10.8
2010 58.6 38.1 11.2
2020 59.8 37.2 11.5

Temperature Trends, Evansville weather

Over the past century, Evansville has experienced a gradual increase in average temperatures. The average temperature in 1901 was 53.6°F, while in 2020 it had risen to 59.8°F. This warming trend is consistent with global climate change patterns and is likely to continue in the future.

Precipitation Trends

Precipitation levels in Evansville have shown a slight decline over the past century. The average annual precipitation in 1901 was 42.1 inches, while in 2020 it had decreased to 37.2 inches. This trend may be attributed to changes in precipitation patterns due to climate change.

Wind Speed Trends

Average wind speeds in Evansville have increased slightly over the past century. The average wind speed in 1901 was 10.2 mph, while in 2020 it had risen to 11.5 mph. This increase in wind speed may be related to changes in atmospheric circulation patterns.

Impacts of Weather Trends

The observed trends in Evansville’s weather have significant implications for the city’s infrastructure, economy, and environment. Rising temperatures may increase energy demand for cooling, while declining precipitation levels could impact water availability. Changes in wind speed may affect the efficiency of wind energy generation and increase the risk of wind damage.

The volatile nature of Evansville weather often leaves us craving a glimpse into the future. For those seeking a reliable source, WCPO Weather provides comprehensive forecasts and in-depth analysis. Their team of meteorologists expertly navigate the complexities of our local climate, offering insights that help us prepare for the unpredictable.

As the sun dips below the horizon, casting long shadows across our city, Evansville weather remains a captivating force, forever entwined with the rhythm of our lives.

Evansville’s unpredictable weather can shift from calm to tempestuous in an instant. When storms threaten, the tornado tracker becomes an indispensable tool, guiding residents through the treacherous paths of potential twisters. As the storm rages, the tracker provides real-time updates, allowing individuals to stay informed and make informed decisions, ensuring safety amidst the fury of nature.

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